A Successful Reading Routine


Get this.

You set the tone for reading in your home! Here are a few ways to make your family reading routine successful, fun, and something everyone looks forward to:

Find a time that works: You don’t have to read at bedtime if that doesn’t work for your family! The best time to read to your child is when you WILL. If you stop, drop, and read when they ask, they will ask more often.

Build a Home library: It doesn’t have to be big, but a recent study found that kids who own their own books are 6x more likely to read above their grade level.

Let them choose the book: The more interested they are, the more positive their experience will be!

Be engaging: “Do the voices!” my kids always chant.

Embrace the interruptions: kids are going to interrupt. LET THEM, let them talk, ask questions, or make comments. Even if they aren’t related to the book. Let your child know this is a safe time and place for any and all discussions.

Is there one of these suggestions you can start doing today? Which one?


A Million Moments

